During last nights Tokyo Game Show event, Capcom has recently announced a new Devil May Cry title that is in the works. The game was listed as just "DMC" (and no, it's not a Run DMC game.) on the projector screen and is considered a "reboot" of the franchise.
The game is currently being developed by Capcom USA in conjunction with Ninja Theory, who are the creators of Enslaved and Heavenly Sword. Producer for the project is Alex Jones, based out of Capcom's San Mateo called CEI but Capcom Japan will be the overseer and will be in charge of the project.
"I'm very grateful and humbled to work with Capcom on such an important project," said Ninja Theory Creative Director Tameem Antoniades. "We hope to make a game even Dante would be proud of."
Alex Jones, who was also in attendance, said it was too early to talk about release dates. The game is just being called Devil May Cry, however the logo says 'DMC' in graffiti style art. No platforms were announced, this is a console game.
Here are some screens:
Well the fact that Ninja Theory are behind this is rather comforting. The idea of this being a reboot is kind of interesting. Will this be the old hack and slash that many know and love or will they take it down a (in my opinion) more interesting rout?
Am i the only one who thinks Dante looks weird?