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Lance got the PS3 Move so we decided to check it out for ourselves. Here is a video on our unboxing.

I think we were all impressed with the accuracy of the Move remote. As long as you calibrated everything and are in the area the camera told you to be everything seemed to work fine. I did have a problem with some of the buttons on the controller. Seemed like the traditional square, circle, triangle and x buttons were a bit to small but I guess it is just something you need to get use to. The crossbow and gladiator games also had some problems with registering every once in a while. I'd move my hand to grab an arrow then press the T button but this did nothing my avatar's arm would just wobble unable to ready an arrow. Then my shield was not acting right the first match of gladiator fighting. But both of these problems may have just been me standing out of range of the Eye toy. The frisbee game game was probably the most impressive use of the remote and was pretty satisfying once i got the hang of it. Sadly I did not have the chance to play all of the games but you can look forward to that once Lance puts up his review in the near future.
As a side note, I personally I have never played a game with the Wii motion plus so I can not really compare the Move to the Motion Plus.

Posted by Lance Friday, September 17, 2010


  1. smoman5000 Says:

  3. LOL at Half eaten Burrito.

  4. PandaJedi Says:
  5. Lance box open fail LOL.

  6. "If you guys realize, I'm not actually a person" That almost brought me to tears.

  7. ZubZub504 Says:
  8. Yes sadly I'm an AI program in Lance's mac. One day I hope that I can be a real boy.


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