Earlier tonight I posted an article about Deus Ex: Human Revoloution. Mant of you all commented and were dissastisfied with something I said. As you might already know, I am a very sarcastic person. One of the hardest things about me writing is being able to control how people perceive sarcasm. Obviously my sarcasm didn't come through well in this article. I did not mean to upset anyone nor did I intend to sound like a jackass. What I meant was that this video is really good and I wanted you to pay attention to the video over anything I would write. I am not as important as this video. I am very sincerely sorry. You all are what keeps this site churning and I would never want to put off anyone or make you believe that I do not value what you guys have to say. Please believe me when I say I am truly sorry and don't let this article in anyway deter you from Video Game Henchmen. So at the bottom is the original trailer I posted. I thought that this was a very enjoyable trailer and wanted to share it with the community.
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Earlier tonight I posted an article about Deus Ex: Human Revoloution. Mant of you all commented and were dissastisfied with something I said. As you might already know, I am a very sarcastic person. One of the hardest things about me writing is being able to control how people perceive sarcasm. Obviously my sarcasm didn't come through well in this article. I did not mean to upset anyone nor did I intend to sound like a jackass. What I meant was that this video is really good and I wanted you to pay attention to the video over anything I would write. I am not as important as this video. I am very sincerely sorry. You all are what keeps this site churning and I would never want to put off anyone or make you believe that I do not value what you guys have to say. Please believe me when I say I am truly sorry and don't let this article in anyway deter you from Video Game Henchmen. So at the bottom is the original trailer I posted. I thought that this was a very enjoyable trailer and wanted to share it with the community.
Saturday, September 18, 2010