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Developer Realtime Worlds MMO APB(All Points Bulletin) is shutting down after two and a half months. Though this is probably expected with the unsuccessful launch the game had and the layoffs they went through last month, it is still a sad thing to see. Here is a goodbye message from Community Officer Ben Bateman:
"APB has been a fantastic journey, but unfortunately that journey has come to a premature end. Today we are sad to announce that despite everyone's best efforts to keep the service running; APB is coming to a close. It's been a pleasure working on APB and with all its players. Together we were building an absolutely amazing game, and for that, we thank you. You guys are awesome!"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The game didn't really get that much hype at all, I wish it did good because I played it for a little bit and it had a lot of potential but sadly, just too glitchy to even matter.