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The concept of the iPhone/iPod Touch as a portable gaming device has never really sat well with me. My iPod Touch is first and foremost a music player, and while there are certainly some great applications out there, Pandora Radio, Cube Runner, and Sudoku to name a few, I could never really see myself running out and buying Assassin's Creed, or any full fledged game for that matter. I think the iPod is best suited for fun, casual/puzzle titles that help pass the time and Doodle God does just that.
While helping my brother update his iPod Touch today, I decided to browse through some of the newest and most popular apps on the iTunes Store. One app in particular caught my eye. It was $0.99 and even though I usually stick to free apps, the reviews were extremely positive, so I grabbed my iPod and decided to download it. 2 hours later and I realized I may have stumbled upon one of my favorite iPod Touch games to date.
What exactly is Doodle God? Well, its pretty hard to describe, but I'll do my best. In Doodle God, you start out with the 4 main elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Under each category there are more specific terms, such as Stone and Sand, Wind, Lava, and well, you can't get more specific than Water at first, but basically the objective is to combine these elements to make new elements. For example, Fire and Water will make Steam, but Fire and Sand make Glass. Eventually you open up new categories with terms like Energy and Life which provide for some unique ways to create things, try adding Life to a Corpse and you get a pretty amusing result.

The selling point for me is the addictiveness of the game. I spent 2 hours playing this simple little game and didn't even realize it. There's just something fun and unique that draws you in and keeps you wanting more. The only downside I can see right now is that there aren't enough things to create. You can easily burn through the 140 elements in a little less than 3 hours, although it does appear that they plan to add more.
If you have an iPod Touch and are looking to kill a few hours in a fun and creative way, then I highly recommend downloading Doodle God for $0.99 off the App Store. If you aren't sure about it or just want to see it in action, you can check out a flash version that is available online here.
Monday, July 5, 2010
I'm not much on the Ipod/Iphone game but when I read this review I downloaded it and it is actually quite fun! Thanks for the new game! :)
For a price of the song, this game is a steal!