I have been one of the many patiently awaiting to see whether the Walmart slip up pricing for the Kinect on Xbox 360 was correct. I am sad to say that today Microsoft officially announced the cost of this Xbox add on. It will be $150. Once again $150...
Getting right into this, it will come with the Kinect motion camera and a game, Kinect Adventures. It also has two sets of cords depending on which Xbox you have. If you have the new Slim Xbox 360 then it comes with a single cable that connects into the back. This one cable will power Kinect. If you have an original model or an elite it comes with an additional power cord. Kinect is available sometime this November.
In my own opinion Microsoft could have done much better in the pricing area. If you think about it, Nintendos Wii is $200 for everything. Sonys Move is $100 for the pack that includes an Eye Toy, the Move controller, and Sports Champions. Though if you want the "nunchuck" or sub controller for the Move then it is an extra $30. Then there is Microsoft with their bundle of motion camera and game. I just don't feel as though I am getting my moneys worth...
The Kinect Games did get a price cut though. To compete with the Wii naturally all Kinect games are now $50.
In other news Microsoft has also announced a new Slim bundle. This will come with a whopping 4 gigs of internal memory and Kinect. This is essentially an arcade 360, it comes with no hard drive... But if you don't have the cash or an Xbox and your hyped for Natal, then it comes at the low low price of $300. What a steal! (Please forgive my sarcasm). This bundle will be available on November 4.
So yea, in closing I just want to say that I was expecting something a little less expensive, depending on sales it will come down in time. I guess looking on the bright side, we all get Kinect Adventures?
What do you guys think of all this? Is this too much money? Are you going to wait it out?
That's like buying another console and I don't even know if it's worth it.
I'm willing to wait it out...I mean the play station eye didn't really get it's hype until move came out so what makes this any different. It's like Xbox Eye...I don't know, it seems that Sony and Microsoft have been thriving off each other lately. PS3's become Matted for their new Slim models and Xbox 360 Slims became glossy and now Xbox has an eye...what's next? Blu-Ray? (I hope.)
Will Kinect Suck?
With the lack of a controller, its going to be really hard for the Kinect to do anything but lame party games.