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Competition has been at the root of society since the beginning of time. There have always been two groups of people with different interests playing for the gold. At its root "competition" furthers technology. It makes developers bend over backwards trying to think up the next “hot” product, and eventually helps advance everything. Lets look at some of the great progressions in the videogame industry and see why console wars are a good thing.

Back around 15 years ago each console had its own line up of games. There were no cross console games, no publishers trying to make more money off of strategically placing there games on the predominate systems of the time. If you wanted to play Sonic you needed a SEGA, for Mario you needed a Nintendo, and so on. This is how the wars started.

During this time they were fighting dirty. How is it possible a video game company can fight dirty you ask? Well its simple, through advertising. First is Nintendo showing off its great game Star Fox 64. Lets take a look:

Another great one is SEGAs commercial Genesis does what Nintendont...

While commercials like these are just cheap shots at the other great console makers of their time, they sparked a war that has yet to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Each generation births a new market leader, a console that comes out of the ashes of its predecessors and rises to its new position. Nintendo and Sony have been battling for years, creating gadgets and trinkets to show off what their console can handle. Until now...

We all know that Nintendo is the definitive winner of this generation. They broke the mold, took a major risk, and created a system where the graphics do not look much better than their previous console but is mechanically interesting and draws a lot of casual players together to play games. This is a fantastic leap forward in the gaming industry, it will help it grow and change and finally evolve into something that everyone likes and wants to play. It did so well that in the years following Microsoft and Sony have been playing catch up.

Through this "friendly" competition other great ideas have been spawned. Im going to start with Playstations' Move. In my own opinion the Playstation Move is the best technology on the market. The ping pong ball on the end of the remote creates the best one to one movement you can get. The eye toy is able to track the movement of the ball and accurately puts your curser where you want it. This makes the Playstation an ideal platform for shooters. With Playstations' superb graphics and now the Playstation Move, Sony has pulled its self out of the hole it was once in. Welcome to the technology of tomorrow.

Microsoft also has a device they created to compete with Nintendo. This device is called Kinect. It is a great piece of hardware and seems to be the next step in the motion sensing technology. Kinect is a large motion camera that watches and picks up on your body movements. It can determine who is using it by your body shape and voice. Kinect is a  big draw for people who want to play games and be active at the same time. With the dancing games and workout games coming out within the next year Microsofts Kinect should take some of that Wii market. All in all Kinect doesn't seem to be perfected yet, from what I have seen it has some lag issues and doesn't really bring games for the core gamers to race off to the stores to pick it up. I will have to try it for myself before I am fully impressed. But for now it is paving a way for things to come. Welcome to the technology of the future.

In the end, without hefty competition making these companies take risks and provide bigger and better technology, making them put out big name games faster than their competitors, and making them pave the way for the next generation of gamers and consoles, there would be no motion technology. No analog stick controllers, no Blue Ray Players in consoles, no voice chat, no online capabilities. The price of the consoles and games would be much higher. Without competition there would be no choice, everyone would play the same things and it would quickly become a boring industry. Without competition there would be no E3, no PAX. Without competition there would be no console wars. Be happy for what you have, look at the other consoles as a gateway for better games, and most importantly make sure to have fun with whatever choice you have made.

Posted by Lance Saturday, July 17, 2010


  1. Oh gosh, I think to simply end the debate. Just buy all of it.

  2. Superdave513 Says:
  3. That's when people start gaining favoritism to their own system and which they start raging on how great their system is even though they haven't even tried the others.

  4. Anonymous Says:
  5. Psh, what if nobody has the money to buy all three?

  6. Skiddoz Says:
  7. People who are broke and can't afford the other system tend to excessively praise their own consoles because that is what they only have. But, you can see people with all three systems and they do not complain at all...

  8. ZubZub504 Says:
  9. Hmm, in my opinion I don't know if Nintendo has won this generation's console war. While Nintendo has sold about 30 million more Wii's, taking into consideration that Xbox's are about $100 more, there net profit is only about 2 Billion less, then consider the billion that Microsoft makes off of Live every year, and then the multitude of big titles exclusively on the 360, I think Microsoft may be the winner. However if you consider the DS, Nintendo may win. This generation has been pretty close (well besides the sucked for well, until now and it still kinda sucks). Anywho I think that either we're going to see the Kinect help out Microsoft a lot, or it will flop and Nintendo will probably take the lead then. In the end though, its been a close race this generation and with the PS3 finally gaining momentum, this generation will get much more interesting. There probably wont be any new consoles for a while so this War is probably about to get much more bloody as the big 3 try to top each other.

  10. ZubZub504 Says:
  11. Yea I when I was looking into it, Japan is ridiculous with about 10 million Wii's sold, with only 1 million Xbox's sold. But addressing the Wii games, there are only a few truly good games, then a bunch of drunken party games. The 360 is much better for hardcore gamers, while the Wii is good for everyday people.

  12. Jake Says:
  13. The PS3 has a better quality of graphics, while the 360 has more selection. The Wii made it's blast with being the "Family" system where everybody and their grandparents have. Each system has their own capabilities, abilities and specification. PS3 can play Blu-Ray, Xbox 360 is a social console, and the Wii has the family friendly gaming. So, it's sort of dumb to actually argue which system is better because it really depends on what you got and knowing what you are going to expect when you buy the system.

  14. ANGRYGNOME Says:

  16. John Says:
  17. Lol FANBOY ALERT!!


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