Chief Executive Yoichi Wada's outlook for future "Final Fantasy" games to have a multiplayer component, Video Game Henchmen's first look at the new Transformer's game War for Cybertron and you may have heard this "On Live" project circulating around E3 but what is it exactly?
All this and more on today's headlines.
Multiplayer + Final Fantasy = ???
That could change soon. Square Enix's chief executive Yoichi Wada sat down with Forbes at the E3 videogame conference in Los Angeles last week to talk about the big changes he has in store for the company.
"In all of the games we will be releasing going forward, some kind of multiplayer element will be incorporated one way or another," says Wada.
While the company's line-up of games goes beyond "Final Fantasy," this still represents a radical shift for Square Enix. Clarifying his point, Wada says this doesn't mean that all games will be fully online experiences.
"It is not as if all the [all of our] game creators will become capable of creating MMORPG-type games," he says. "What we will encourage them to do is to incorporate some kind of multiplayer element even in single player games."
As if that won't shake things up enough, Wada intends to bring in "fresh blood" and "change the culture" of Square Enix. See the full story in the article published on Wednesday to find out how.
Somethings, I did not like was that I felt that they didn't utilize the unreal engine as well as they could have. Those at times the game has looked great, one can easily see that this was no Uncharted 2 like graphics. Maybe it was developed for a different system and did a bad port.
The audio was done well, not the best soundtrack but good. Although, the sound when they transform is just pure bliss.The game is fun, fast paced and I'm only starting to really enjoy it. The game is generally too easy even on the hardest setting. Its nice to have the ability to transform which makes the game great, but the gameplay is nothing ground breaking but really just another take on 3rd person shooters.
Every transformer fan will need to pick this up but I don't see it being worth the price on opening day. I'd let the price drop.
For the full written review, I will have it up in a week or so.
WTF IS "OnLive?"
OnLive was recently demonstrated at E3 Expo. In case you’re not familiar with OnLive, it is a service that allows you to stream video games to your computer, mobile devices and TV using a set-top box or a browser plugin.
OnLive spent seven years in stealth development before officially unveiling their capabilities in March 2009. Their innovation may reshape the way we think about and use digital media.
Think of it for a second. All the key ingredients are starting to infiltrate our lives. The shift to cloud computing is starting to displace the limitations and complexity of local computing. You’re already consuming lots of content over your broadband connectivity, which has caused your Internet provider to bring fast bandwidth to your home. Finally, we are witnessing a ton of innovation and creativity within the video game and device markets.
I hope they make the next Final Fantasies free this time around rather than the last online one. (FFXI)
Final Fantasy is starting to sell out.
I can't wait to hear that Transformer review. I might just buy it depending on how it turns out.
Dudes, this site is getting more views per day!
dat new transformer game is going to be wicked sick
That Final Fantasy XIV game is stunning.
Final Fantasy XIV va être étonnant, juste en raison seul du modèle d'art. Je ne peux pas attendre pour l'obtenir. Je suis si impatient. Ce site Web est très gentil.
Less level grinding, more fun?